Profitable wire EDM: 4 practical things to consider before buying a machine

As a die-mold manufacturer, you will be thinking of making money by wire cutting. After all, a wire EDM machine is an expensive tool.

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Wire EDM: Buying a new machine is kind of like shopping for a new car. You want to make sure it has all the features you need, and you want to save money wherever you can.

Two important questions:

-What is your number one goal for buying a wire EDM?

-How are you going to use the machine once you get it?

To buy a WEDM that will increase profits and productivity, we’ve put together this quick guide to help you make the right choice for your needs and budget. After all, we owe the success of our company- Innovation Filter System to the wire EDMs and its manufacturers. Please click here to read about how we started this company.

Why wire EDM (WEDM)?

Wire EDM is also well-suited for cutting complex shapes with tiny features in very hard or electrically conductive materials. Most metals, including titanium and steel, can be cut with wire EDM.

Wire EDMs can cut parts that require a level of accuracy, intricacy, and fine surface finish that traditional machining methods cannot achieve. For example, wire EDMs can successfully produce a 3-micron surface finish on steel parts (although this will vary depending on the material).

The most common use for wire EDM is cutting fragile metal sheets with intricate shapes. Because of no heat damage, the process can make very accurate cuts without weakening or distorting the surrounding area.

Check-list for buying a new WEDM

A wire EDM is perfect for prototyping, mold, and die production. It offers a clean-cut, high precision, and high-quality finish. Manufacturers need to consider several tricky factors before choosing a machine.

Space requirement

One of the first things to consider when looking at an EDM wire machine is the space requirement. Generally, the more powerful machines require more space and cost more to operate. The upside of using a larger wire cutting machine is that it can work on larger and smaller workpieces.

A new machine and its associated servicing equipment will take up much space. Ensure you have enough room to get your raw material in and out of the building.

Also, be prepared for future expansion. The space may have enough room for the machine today, but what about next year when you need more tooling cabinets or another machine?

There are many things to consider while buying a wire EDM machine. An often-overlooked aspect is the space allocation for accessories like a filtration system, inverters, cable routings. It is essential to ensure enough space to set up a filtration system. If the machine does not have proper filtration, it will result in wire breaks and poor surface finish.

Please click here in case you want to know more about the importance of filtration in wire EDM.

Old vs. New WEDM

Companies often purchase a new wire EDM to replace an old one, significantly if the old one was damaged or outdated. But it can be a good idea to consider buying a used one.

Used wire EDMs represent a great value if you find the right candidate, but there are some things you need to keep in mind before you buy.

Long term or short term

First, are you looking for a long-term solution? If so, used wire EDMs are probably not the best choice. A newly purchased wire EDM will offer better performance and last longer than the used unit.

Machine Features

Second, is your company in need of advanced features? If that’s the case, buying a new wire EDM with those features might make more sense than buying a used one.

  • Software and ease of use when setting up jobs and editing programs during job runs
  • Automation capability of the wire EDM cutting machine to handle workpieces

Prior repairs

Third, do you have any experience with used wire EDMs? All of them have been taken care of before. The others develop problems over time because they’ve been in use for years — major ones that make it difficult to get them repaired. If you don’t know much about it, buying a used wire EDM might be risky.

Spares and service

Fourth, availability of spares and support for the used models. How old is the machine’s control system? Suppose it’s an older system, and they can’t support it anymore. In that case, you’ll have to upgrade the control system to keep the machine running.

Hidden consumable costs

Many people believe that the only thing that matters when buying a wire cut machine is price. But in reality, what you buy is only half of the equation. The other half is where you need to look: What costs are involved in running the machine.

EDM wire

“The lifetime cost of wire is a lot more than the price of an EDM machine.”

– Mr. Bipin Rathod (MD S.B. Engineers)

The wire is the single highest expense in operating a wire EDM. Investing in low-wire consumption EDMs can result in 50% less wire use for a shop while cutting as much or even more without sacrificing accuracy.

The wire wears and needs frequent replacement—this results in higher operating costs than other processes, such as laser cutting or waterjet cutting.

Wire EDM filters

Experienced users agree that a filter is essential for fast and high-quality cutting. Manufacturers generally consider a filter that can remove particles down to 5µm or 10µm in size. However, many applications produce smaller particles and could benefit from using a higher quality filter with a rating of 3µm or better.

One analysis found that 81% of the particles produced by wire EDM were less than 5µm. The EDM wire is a primary source of much of the hazardous contamination. Proper disposal of materials such as copper and zinc is critical because they can leach out and poison an area’s groundwater because of improper disposal practices.

Traditional paper cartridge filter (5µm) used in wire EDM
Traditional paper cartridge filters that are used in wire EDM. Source –

Resin for de-ionising the water

At best, traditional paper cartridges provide a 5µm (nominal) filtration. Hence, most particles remain in the dielectric, entering the resin bowl. The resin’s function is to remove soluble particles; however, it also filters out particles bigger than 3µm. Hence, if the filtration is at least 3µm in the primary filter, this automatically improves the resin life. A study says that using a filtration system for a wire cut machine that filters the dielectric down to 3µm improves the resin life by 200%.

Resin used in wire EDM
Resin used in wire EDM. Source-

Filter cartridges capable of fine retention raise the operating cost since they get clogged easily. The user must consider the cost of the nonproductive time that accumulates as the machine sits idle during filter changeout and the labor required for this routine maintenance.

Shops find it challenging to see the total economic impact of their choice of filter media and filter rating. They pay for the filter on an element-by-element basis; hence, they never track the actual price of these elements. As a result, many shops accept their filtration expenses as a necessary evil.

We provide an effective solution called Mineral Bed Filter to solve the filtration problem. Please click here for more information.

Maintenance costs

A wire EDM may be one of the most maintenance-intensive pieces of equipment in a machine shop. However, it doesn’t indicate any excessive downtime. It does, however, show that a disciplined preventive maintenance schedule is essential.

Because WEDM are electro-mechanical, specific components must be kept in good working order to operate normally. If you do not clean or replace these components as needed, the machining accuracy will rapidly decline.

There are several wire EDM, but the basic maintenance procedures are similar. All wire EDMs require these essential maintenance items: short-interval and long-interval items.

Short-term maintenance activities

  1. Automatic wire threading system checking
  2. Power contacts cleaning
  3. Belts and rollers cleaning
  4. Brake/clutch roller cleaning
  5. Checking the wire guides
  6. Wire Alignment
  7. The wire collection box
  8. Machine Seals
  9. General Cleaning

Longer term maintenance activities

  1. Machine Filters
  2. De-ionization Resin
  3. Water Level
  4. Belts, Rollers and Pulley replacement
  5. Wire Choppers if present
  6. Cabinet air filter replacement
  7. Inspection of sensors
  8. Water quality testing
  9. Machine lubrication

Maintenance personnel

For wire EDMs, maintenance can be high because of complex electrical connections and the need for skilled technicians to keep it running smoothly. You must train your maintenance technician in this field to troubleshoot any problems quickly and efficiently.

Ultimately, you want your new machine to pay for itself—and more. That’s why exploring all the options and choosing the right fit makes sense, even if it takes extra work. Talking to other companies and researching will help you find out what works best for you. Wire EDMs are a long-term investment with a profound impact on company productivity. Hence, it’s important not to rush purchasing decisions to save some money upfront. The last thing you want is to buy a machine based on a few unrealistic expectations and find out that you’re not truly getting a return on your investment.

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